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First Week in Copenhagen!!!

As you can tell from my title, it has officially been my first week in Copenhagen. I’m currently writing this in the DIS Student Hub which is smack in the middle of Copenhagen. By Davidson’s standards, the Student Hub is comparable to the Union where people come here to hang out, meet up, study, eat lunch, etc. My other classes are pretty spread out but about a 2-5 minute walk apart from the Student Hub and there’s not really a campus, but it just gives me a better opportunity to know the city better! (:

Now, Ima give a run down on what’s been up this past week…because a LOT has happened. I can’t believe it’s only been 7 days because it’s felt like months have flown by here and I’ve probably met over 100 people and it’s just been a wild time. Here’s a recap of the week:

January 15, 2022

Arrival. Got from the airport at 7 PM and went to the place I’m going to call home for the next four months — Nimbusparken! (Nimbus for short) It’s a nice building located in a cozy community called Frederiskberg. After arriving, I met my roommate Gina and I settled in, unpacked my items, and knocked out because I was EXHAUSTED.

January 16, 2022

Being in a new place and all, I wanted to get familiar with the place I was going to be living in. So, Gina and I explored Frederiskberg a bit and then we ended up getting brunch at this cafe around the area.

Eating a chocolate pastry with my roommate (Gina) at Vintage Cafe

After we finished eating, we went our separate ways and I went to go meet up with one of my Davidson buddies….Lily!!! So, I made my way to take the bus for the first time and the bus came on time, it was easy, and much bigger than the buses I’ve been on in LA. I got a little lost since I typed in the wrong address, BUT Lily and I eventually found each other and we just walked around the city a bit and caught up on what a crazy 48 hours it has been for us.

Afterwards, we departed from the city and I went back to my flat to eat a Danish dinner with my flatmates! Very yummy dinner. We had meatballs, three types of potatoes, garlic bread, brown sauce, and cole slaw.

After dinner, I decided to explore night life with Lily and we went to Barkowski!

January 17, 2022

The next day, I explored Copenhagen even more. We walked around the area near the Student Hub and stumbled upon Strøget — which is the world’s longest pedestrian street. It contains a whole bunch of things ranging from local shops to chain restaurants and stores.

January 18, 2022

The next day I had my facilities tour where a DIS faculty member showed us around to familiarize ourselves with where the classrooms are located. Afterwards, ate brunch with some friends at Next Door Cafe! Then, before we headed out to go see the Little Mermaid, we went to Københavns Kommune (Copenhagen City Hall) — very beautiful. Here are some photographs!

Me at the facilities tour

And then a bit disappointed by the Little Mermaid, but still a fun trek to go out to.

After visiting this tourist attraction, I headed back to the city and I walked around with some other friends until I went to a Speed Friending Event. Very fun and cool way to meet other DIS students (I probably made like 5 friends hehe)! And I even got some ramen with a few others afterward!

MenO Ramen Gammeltorv — Tonkotsu Shoyu Ramen

Once night came around, my neighbors and I went out to Copenhagen Downtown Hostel and there were a ton of DIS students, and it was fun to listen to the live music!

January 19, 2022

I went out with some friends to go find some good study spots around Copenhagen. We stumbled upon the Danish Royal Library (The Black Diamond) and Københavns Hovedbibliotek.

Front: Me, Katie, Paris; Back: Stephanie, Emily, Georgie

Then, had my first night cooking dinner here with Lily!

January 20, 2022

First day of classes! I had 3 classes back to back from 10:05 AM to 2:35 PM. I had around 15 minutes worth of breaks in between classes but phew, I was TIRED. Here was my first day of school outfit!

Fit Checkkkk

January 20, 2022

In between my classes, I met up with some friends for lunch at Paludan Bogcafe (Book Cafe) — there’s sooo many books!

Paludan Bogcafe — Croque madame

After class, I explored Christiania with a classmate but didn’t photograph anything since we’re not allowed to take photos. It’s a very hippy, artsy area that claims to be apart from Denmark. In the evening, I went to Bastard’s Cafe which is a board game cafe and I played Codenames with a group of people. My team lost four times in a row!

The night ended with me hanging with a group of friends and playing uno outside the cafe and yeahhh

And, that sums up my week! Don’t worry, my blogs won’t be THIS lengthy in the future, but I figured that I should do a quick recap of the week (-: Until next time… x j

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